Myself manipulating scientific data from Collaviz



Ph.D. work

The following video gives an overview of the Part@ge project.

The following video illustrates the use of RTD-3 and RTD-4. During these experiments, two users had to move together a virtual car hood (the yellow object on screen) while avoiding collisions. The optical tracking was achieved by A.R.T. infrared cameras placed around the screen: 3 attached to the ceiling and 2 on the floor.

Video of RTD-3 and RTD-4.

The Reconfigurable Tangible Device with 4 points (RTD-4):

RTD-4 in a flat configuration RTD-4 in a tetrahedral configuration

The Reconfigurable Tangible Device with 3 points (RTD-3):

RTD-3 stretched RTD-3 in use by two people

Although the generic communication protocol has been used for all the implementations of collaborative interaction, find below a test for interaction through gestures to illustrate the generic architecture that has been obtained (voice could also be used):

Manipulation by gestures

The following pictures illustrate (from left to right):

A car manipulated by one ray A car manipulated by two rays A manipulated car with one ray left

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